
IID: [1:{01000034}]

本インタフェースは,設定された時刻に応じてアラームを呼応させることが必要なシステムに用います.例えば,目覚し時計などに用います.This is designed as a training interface. This interface is used by a system that triggers an non-recurring alarm at a set time.

> Type Definitions

isActiveType ID: 1

Boolean value for whether the alarm is on or off.

Type: boolean
alarmTimeType ID: 2

Date/time value for the alarm time.

Type: datetime

> Properties

AlarmActiveItem ID: 1

This property stores whether the alarm is active or not. An alarm will not trigger while this value is false. When an alarm is triggered the value should be set to false to prevent additional events from being sent.

Read: true
Write: true
Type: 1 -  isActive
AlarmTimeValueItem ID: 2

This property stores the alarm time. The value of this property represents when the alarm will be triggered. The value of this property does not change when the alarm is triggered.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 2 -  alarmTime

> Methods

SetNewTimeItem ID: 3

This method is used to set a new alarm time value. It requires one input parameter, alarmTime. This method returns the current value of the AlarmActive property. The received alarm time value must be in the future; otherwise, the BadTimeException must be thrown. There is no grace period for this method so the requestor must take into account latency or transmission times for setting alarm times in the immediate future.

 2 -  AlarmTime - The new value for the alarm time. This must be in the future.
 1 -  Active - The value of the AlarmActive property.

> Events

AlarmTriggeredItem ID: 4

This event signals that the alarm has been triggered. This event must be signaled when the current system time becomes greater than the AlarmTimeValue property value and the AlarmActive property value is true. Alarm triggered events are only sent once, and once an this event it sent the provider should set the AlarmActive property to false. The AlarmTimeValue property's value does not change when an alarm is sent.

> Exceptions

BadTimeValueItem ID: 5

This exception is thrown by the SetNewTime method when the received alarmTime parameter value is not in the future.