
IID: [1:{01000023}]

翻訳希望This interface represents a toaster. The definition includes all the required functionality. This toaster can toast one set of bread at a time.

> Type Definitions

翻訳希望Powered StateType ID: 0

翻訳希望A power state (on/off). True means 'on'.

Type: boolean
翻訳希望IntensityType ID: 1

翻訳希望An indication of desired intensity. The larger the number, the more intense.

Type: uint8
翻訳希望ModeType ID: 2

翻訳希望A mode for a toaster. The allowed values are: 0, toast, 1, bagel.

Type: uint8
翻訳希望PNG ImageType ID: 3

翻訳希望A PNG image.

Length: 65535
Type: blob
翻訳希望Nullable PNG ImageType ID: 4

翻訳希望A PNG image that also allows a NULL value.

Type: nullable ( 翻訳希望PNG Image )

> Properties

翻訳希望PoweredItem ID: 1

翻訳希望The power state of the toaster.

Read: true
Write: true
Type: 0 -  翻訳希望Powered State
翻訳希望Desired IntensityItem ID: 2

翻訳希望The desired intensity of the toasting.

Read: true
Write: true
Type: 1 -  翻訳希望Intensity
翻訳希望ModeItem ID: 3

翻訳希望The mode the toaster is in.

Read: true
Write: true
Type: 2 -  翻訳希望Mode

> Methods

翻訳希望CancelItem ID: 4

翻訳希望Cancel the current toasting.
翻訳希望Set StampItem ID: 5

翻訳希望Set the stamp to use for future toast. Null indicates no stamp.

 4 -  翻訳希望Stamp - 翻訳希望The desired stamp, or null.

> Events

翻訳希望DoneItem ID: 6

翻訳希望Indicates that a toasting operation has completed.
翻訳希望BurningItem ID: 7

翻訳希望Indicates that the toast is burning.

> Exceptions

翻訳希望Not ToastingItem ID: 8

翻訳希望Indicates that the toaster is not toasting, and so a request is not valid.