
IID: [1:{00010021}]

This interface is used to define the data values gathered for a parcel in View.

> Type Definitions

ParcelIdType ID: 0

Manually assigned (Start with 1).

MAX: 9223372036854775807
MIN: 1
Type: int64
BeltIdType ID: 1

Relates to Belt.

MAX: 9223372036854775807
MIN: 1
Type: int64
ProjectedNoType ID: 2

A number representing color that is projected on this parcel.

MAX: 99999
MIN: -99999
Type: int64
DetectionDateUtcOffsetType ID: 4

Millisecond offset to add to UTC to get local time (Local to the Location). DetectionDate + ZoneName is used to get this offset.

MAX: 50400000
MIN: -43200000
Type: int64
DetectionDateType ID: 3

Datetime of when the parcel is detected on the belt. ISO8601 format in UTC.

Type: datetime
CreatedDateType ID: 5

Created date. ISO8601 format in UTC.

Type: datetime

> Properties

ParcelIdItem ID: 0

Manually assigned (Start with 1).

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 0 -  ParcelId
BeltIdItem ID: 1

Relates to Belt.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 1 -  BeltId
ProjectedNoItem ID: 2

BA number representing color that is projected on this parcel.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 2 -  ProjectedNo
DetectionDateItem ID: 3

Datetime of when the parcel is detected on the belt. ISO8601 format in UTC.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 3 -  DetectionDate
DetectionDateUtcOffsetItem ID: 4

Millisecond offset to add to UTC to get local time (Local to the Location). DetectionDate + ZoneName is used to get this offset.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 4 -  DetectionDateUtcOffset
CreatedDateItem ID: 5

Created date. ISO8601 format in UTC.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 5 -  CreatedDate