Suitcase Value Set

IID: [1:{0001000D}]

This interface is used to define the data values gathered for a suitcase.

> Type Definitions

LockStateType ID: 3

The lock state of the suitcase. True means locked and false means unlocked.

Type: boolean
LatitudeType ID: 0

The latitude component of the GPS location.

MAX: 90.0
MIN: -90.0
Unit: Degrees (°) north of the equator. Negative values represent degrees south of the equator.
Type: float64
LongitudeType ID: 1

The longitude component of the GPS location.

MAX: 180.0
MIN: -180.0
Unit: Degrees (°) east of the Prime Meridian (Royal Observatory, Greenwich, England). Negative values represent degrees west of the Prime Meridian.
Type: float64
ElevationType ID: 2

The elevation component of the GPS location.

MAX: 10000.0
MIN: -10000.0
Unit: Meters (m) above sea-level.
Type: float64
WeightType ID: 4

The physical weight of the suitcase.

MAX: 1.7976931348623157E308
MIN: 0.0
Unit: Kilograms (kg)
Type: float64

> Properties

latitudeItem ID: 0

This is the current latitude of the suitcase.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 0 -  Latitude
longitudeItem ID: 1

This is the current longitude of the suitcase.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 1 -  Longitude
elevationItem ID: 2

This is the current elevation of the suitcase.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 2 -  Elevation
isLockedItem ID: 3

This is the current lock state of the suitcase.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 3 -  LockState
weightItem ID: 4

This is the current weight of the suitcase.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 4 -  Weight