
IID: [1:{01000049}]

This interface is used for impact force measurement and excessive force reporting.

> Type Definitions

DirectionType ID: 5

The normalized length of the force vector along the specific axis.

MAX: 1.0
MIN: -1.0
Type: float32
LatitudeType ID: 0

The latitude component of the GPS location.

MAX: 90.0
MIN: -90.0
Unit: Degrees (°) north of the equator. Negative values represent degrees south of the equator.
Type: float64
LongitudeType ID: 1

The longitude component of the GPS location.

MAX: 180.0
MIN: -180.0
Unit: Degrees (°) east of the Prime Meridian (Royal Observatory, Greenwich, England). Negative values represent degrees west of the Prime Meridian.
Type: float64
ElevationType ID: 2

The elevation component of the GPS location.

MAX: 10000.0
MIN: -10000.0
Unit: Meters (m) above sea-level.
Type: float64
MagnitudeType ID: 6

The length of the force vector.

MAX: 1.7976931348623157E308
MIN: 0.0
Unit: Standard Gravity (g)
Type: float64
LocationType ID: 3

The location consisting of latitude, longitude, and elevation using the WGS84 datum.

Type: structure { 0 - Latitude ,  1 - Longitude ,  2 - Elevation }
ForceType ID: 7

The force vector, which contains the direction component and the magnitude component. The direction is the 3-tuple (i.e., {x, y, z}) of a Euclidian unit vector.

Type: structure { 5 - X ,  5 - Y ,  5 - Z ,  6 - Magnitude }
NullableLocationType ID: 4

A nullable GPS location.

Type: nullable ( Location )

> Properties

thresholdItem ID: 2

The threshold for triggered events. Any impact that occurs with a force magnitude greater than this threshold, will trigger an 'impact' event.

Read: true
Write: true
Type: 6 -  Magnitude

> Events

impactItem ID: 1

An impact has occurred. The parameters include the date/time and location of the event as well as the force along each axis.

 4 -  location - Where the impact occurred.
 7 -  force - The force vector.