Data Snapshot

IID: [1:{0228}]

This interface provides a snapshot of a known, public reference interface for a binding. This interface is typically activated on demand using an object id containing the Binding Provider attribute, which indicates the public reference interface for which this interface provides a snapshot. In this case, the definition will be the set of readable properties of the reference interface, in order of ascending item ID. Alternately, the referenced interface may merely define a constant set of properties (possibly from multiple, disparate interfaces) that comprise the snapshot. Finally, this interface may be provided on a session where the definition may be defined some other way (within the context of the session).

Associated Interfaces

> Type Definitions

PropertyType ID: 1

A property index, with zero being the first property.

Type: uint16
CountType ID: 2

A count of data values used to produce a property value, which can be zero to indicate that the property is not present in the property values list.

Type: uint16
TimestampType ID: 0

A timestamp.

Type: datetime
Property Information ArrayType ID: 4

A variable array of Property Information structures indicating properties that have non-default counts. This can be used to 'skip' properties (a zero count) or indicate that a non-default number of samples were used in the case of aggregate data.

Min Length: 0
Length: 32767
Type: array ( 3 - Property Information )
Property InformationType ID: 3

A structure containing a property index and the count for that property. If the count is the default for the snapshot then no structure is necessary.

Type: structure { 1 - property ,  2 - count }
SnapshotType ID: 6

The information for a snapshot, including the timestamp and property data. This corresponds to a single Row type, but outside of the context of a Value Set, defined by the Data Source [{01}:{0226}] interface.

Type: structure { 0 - timestamp ,  2 - defaultCount ,  4 - propertyCounts ,  5 - propertyValues }
Property ValuesType ID: 5

A block of EMIT-marshalled values corresponding to the snapshot values at a particular time. These are marshalled in the same order as the snapshot definition.

Min Length: 0
Length: 1048576
Type: blob
DefinitionType ID: 7

A compressed block that defines the properties that are being transferred in the advertisement. The compression algorithm is DEFLATE (RFC 1951). The uncompressed block is an EMIT-marshalled instance of the 'Uncompressed Value Set Definition' type defined in the Data Sink [{01}:{0225}] interface.

Min Length: 0
Length: 65535
Type: blob

> Properties

DefinitionItem ID: 0

The full definition of the data held in the Snapshot property of this interface.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 7 -  Definition
SnapshotItem ID: 1

The snapshot.

Read: true
Write: false
Type: 6 -  Snapshot